Thursday 26 January 2017


Definition of angle: 


plural noun: angles
  1. 1.
    the space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet.

    "in any triangle, the longest side is opposite the largest angle"
  2. 2.
    a particular way of approaching or considering an issue or problem.

    "discussing the problems from every conceivable angle"

    synonyms:perspective, way of looking at something, point of viewviewpointstandpoint,positionsideaspectslantdirectionapproachoutlooklight
    "we need to consider the problem from a different angle"

In planar geometry, an angle is the figure formed by two rays, called the sides of the angle, sharing a common endpoint, called the vertex of the angleAngles formed by two rays lie in a plane, but this plane does not have to be a Euclidean plane.

  • Angles smaller than a right angle (less than 90°) are called acute angles ("acute" meaning "sharp").
  • An angle equal to 1/4 turn (90° or π/2 radians) is called a right angle. Two lines that form a right angle are said to be normalorthogonal, or perpendicular.
  • Angles larger than a right angle and smaller than a straight angle (between 90° and 180°) are called obtuse angles ("obtuse" meaning "blunt").
  • An angle equal to 1/2 turn (180° or π radians) is called a straight angle.
  • Angles larger than a straight angle but less than 1 turn (between 180° and 360°) are called reflex angles.
  • An angle equal to 1 turn (360° or 2π radians) is called a full anglecomplete angle, or a perigon.
  • Angles that are not right angles or a multiple of a right angle are called oblique angles.

As the Angle Increases, the Name Changes:

types of angle

Be Careful What You Measure

Obtuse AngleReflex Angle
This is an Obtuse Angle
And this is a Reflex Angle
But the lines are the same ... so when naming the angles make sure
that you know which angle is being asked for!

Positive and Negative Angles

When measuring from a line:
  • positive angle goes counterclockwise (opposite direction that clocks go)
  • negative angle goes clockwise
positive negative angle

Example: −67°

negative 67 degrees


Parts of an Angle

The corner point of an angle is called the vertex
And the two straight sides are called arms
The angle is the amount of turn between each arm.

How to Label Angles

There are two main ways to label angles:
angles1. give the angle a name, usually a lower-case letter like a or b, or sometimes a Greek letter like α (alpha) or θ (theta)
2. or by the three letters on the shape that define the angle, with the middle letter being where the angle actually is (its vertex).
Example angle "a" is "BAC", and angle "θ" is "BCD"

How To Name Angles:

We name angles in three different ways: (1) We can name angles by using THREE capital letters like: ABC or DEF. The middle letter is called the VERTEX of the angle. The above angles are read "angle ABC" and "angle DEF."

more coming soon


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